Thursday, August 23, 2018

The Reunion.


Jab (when) They Met. Again.

Genre: Drama, Romance
Episodes: 10

This short web series possesses wide range of emotions. Viewer is able to place himself in shoes of every character. it was successful to make viewers nostalgic and cherish school memories and friends. we find ourselves wondering where our friends are, how they are and how much they would have changed since we last met them. It portrays all "Reunion emotions" in a way we all can relate. Be it Best friend becoming distant and having a new bestie or be it the relationship between the bully and the bullied, it conveys how people and their relationships with others change over time. By the time of reunion, some relationships break, some rebuild and some of them are found during/after it.

The life after School is a roller-coaster ride towards maturity and reunion is a journey of knowing people more and with a new and matured perspective. This series has documented this journey very beautifully and is thus a MUST WATCH.